On Giving Tuesday, Consider These Logo Knives

Logo Knives Giving Tuesday
Logo Knives Giving Tuesday

It’s certainly easy to shop for those you love this holiday season: you either know exactly what they want or they give you a curated wish list. But what isn’t as easy is giving to those you do not know. Today is Giving Tuesday, so consider this:

  • Find a non-profit or charity whose cause you support
  • Order custom logo knives and donate them to your charity of choice

Happy holidays!

Personalized Pocket Knives Aren’t Just For Anybody

That’s correct. Personalized Pocket Knives are intended for one person. Each

Personalized Pocket Knives
Personalized Pocket Knives

knife is intended for each person whose name is engraved on it. The reason for this statement is that some people want their logo on 100 knives, and they call that personalizing. It’s not really personalizing unless each knife has the name of each recipient on it.

If you want your logo engraved on 100 knives, it is more accurate to call that “engraving” or “logo-ing”.

Today’s Best Personalized Pocket Knives That Are In Stock

Today's Best Personalized Pocket Knives That Are In Stock
No Secret: Personalized Pocket Knives That Are In Stock

It’s no secret. Inventory has been the main issue for the last 12 months. So, here are are some personalized pocket knives that are currently in deep inventory:


Dakota top gun knife Dako “Top Gun” Knife 7663

lm37.jpg Leatherman® Wingman LM37



9501-bk.jpg Black Flash Pocket Knife 9501-BK

7514Hawkeye Knife Dako “Hawkeye” Pocket Knife 7514


