Today Is Your Lucky Day If You Have Buck Knives

Buck Knives for Good Luck
Buck Knives for Good Luck

Friday the 13th always gets a bad rap. Everyone jokes that today is unlucky, a bad omen, etc. BUT if you happen to have Buck Knives, those should be considered your luckiest tool. 
Which one will you keep as your good luck charm? 

Buck Knives Lockback Knife 055
Buck Lockback Knife 055
Buck Knives
Buck Bantam BBW Camo

Don’t Forget To Order Personalized Pocket Knives For These Special People!

Personalized Pocket Knives For National Farm Safety and Health Week
Personalized Pocket Knives For National Farm Safety and Health Week

In just a few short weeks, the nation will be celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week and National Farm Animals Awareness Week – two weeks that are important to the agricultural world. What are some ways your business can show its appreciation for this field of work?

  • Send your local farmers a thank-you card signed by all of your employees
  • Reach out to your local news station and suggest a nearby farm be highlighted in the news
  • Order Personalized Pocket Knives for all the farmers in your area

    Personalized Pocket Knives
    Buck Bantam BBW Camo