Give Buck Knives During “Safe Toys and Gifts Month”

December is “Safe Toys and Gifts Month” in the US. According to “”, emergency rooms in 2010 listed 251,700 toy-related injuries. 72% of the victims were under the age of 15 years old.

Many toys have benefits that outweigh any danger they might possess. For example, a bicycle is a great toy, providing mobility and fun for children. However, it can also be a hazardous mechanism for the inexperienced child. Likewise, Buck Knives can be useful tools, but they too, can be hazardous. They should not be used by any child younger than 9 years old. Even after that, anyone can get cut by the accidental use of a knife. Even an adult. Parents have the responsibility of making these kinds of choices for their children.

Give Buck Knives During "Safe Toys and Gifts Month"
Buck Knife, Orange Camouflage

Don’t Monkey Around With Personalized Pocket Knives

December 14 is National Monkey Day. It’s the perfect day to reflect on the safety of using a laptop, and the safety of using Personalized Pocket Knives. Mis-using a laptop can’t usually result in personal injury. But, if you mis-handle a pocket knife, you could find yourself in a lot of pain.  Don't Monkey Around With Personalized Pocket Knives

I found this picture of a monkey that seems capable of handling 3 knives at once. I’m a little concerned about his left hand, though. I hope he didn’t squeeze too hard.Don't Monkey With Personalized Pocket Knives