Why are Buck Knives so popular and successful? Why do corporate managers choose to give engraved Buck knives with their company logo to the employees as business gifts? Whey are Buck knives a favorite business gift to customers and clients? Here are 5 secrets to Buck’s popularity.
- Buck’s long history of success. Since 1902, Buck has been in the knife business.

- Making new designs based on the public’s needs. They went from a hunting knife, to pocket knives, and cool looking tactical knives.
- A focus on basic and new camouflage designs. Green and brown camo is good. Then they developed the orange camo design. I’ts still camo, but you can find it in a pile of leaves.
- Keeping old favorite designs, like the Buck Folding Hunter Lockback 110 knife. Why fix it, if it isn’t broken? That’s good advice.
- High quality stainless steel and handle materials. Without fail, you can always depend on the best quality from a Buck knife.