A Beginner’s Guide to Engraved Leatherman Tools

If Leatherman® multi tools are new to you, the huge variety of styles may have your head spinning. “Why are there so many sizes and models”, you might say. To find the perfect engraved Leatherman tools for you, let’s start with a list of available functions. When you pick the functions that you need, then you can easily pick the best Leatherman® for your needs.

Which engraved Leatherman Tools Do I Need?
Which Engraved Leatherman Tools Do I Need?

Are scissors important to you? There are several models that have that function. What about pliers? Some of the models don’t have pliers, so you can stay away from them. What about a blister package opener? Here’s an extensive list to help you on your way to finding the perfect multi tool for you.

  1. 420HC Stainless Steel Clip Point Combo Straight/Serrated Knife
  2. Needlenose Pliers
  3. Regular Pliers
  4. 154CM Replaceable Wire Cutters
  5. 154CM Replaceable Hard-wire Cutters
  6. Stranded Wire Cutters
  7. Saw
  8. Hammer
  9. Replaceable Cutting Hook
  10. Bolt Override Tool
  11. Replaceable Firearm Disassembly Punch
  12. Replaceable Carbon Scraper
  13. Cleaning Rod/Brush Adapters
  14. Carabiner Clip
  15. Bottle Opener
  16. Large Bit Driver
  17. Electrical Crimper
  18. Blister package opener
  19. Tweezers
  20. Phillips screw driver
  21. Flat head screw driver
  22. Nail file
  23. Carabiner
  24. Leather sheath
  25. Nylon sheath
  26. Can opener

By the way, if you need all of the first 17 functions, the Leatherman Mut is what you should order.

Leatherman® Mut LM39 Leatherman® Mut LM39


The Wide Variety of Styles in Engraved Gerber Knives is No Secret

Gerber knives are anything but traditional. When I think of a traditional knife,

Did You See The New Engraved Gerber Knives?
Did You See The New Engraved Gerber Knives?

my attention goes to the W. R. Case Company. Most of their knives have 1, 2, or 3 blades, and the handle style is pretty much the same. The main differences are the materials that the handles are made from, and the colors .

Engraved Gerber knives, however, come in a variety of blade shapes. More importantly, the handles vary in the material and styles. They range from solid synthetic to tactical-looking stainless steel as in the Titanium Nitride Paraframe.

Gerber Titanium Nitride Paraframe 8446 Gerber® Titanium Nitride Paraframe 48446


The Airfoil 3048 has a smooth, curved design.

3048 Gerber® Airfoil 3048

The EAB Knife is a folding box cutter. What a surprise.

41830 Gerber® EAB Knife 41830

In 2020, Gerber introduced the rectangular shaped Quadrant Knife with a Bamboo handle. What an innovation for knife collectors. It opens easily with the flick of your wrist, and a touch of the flipper.

30-001702 QuadrantBambooDefault Gerber® Quadrant-Bamboo 30-001702

What will Gerber think of next?


The Best Engraved Tools for 2020 Safety Awards

The Best Engraved Tools for 2020 Safety Awards
The Best Engraved Tools for 2020 Safety Awards

Leatherman wins hands down, for introducing the “FREE” line of engraved tools. The coolest feature of these tools is the way you open and close each element. You don’t have to use your finger nails! You just use your finger pads. The secret is subtle. It involves magnets strategically placed in the tool to keep the elements closed. There are 2 models of knives (available in silver or black),

LMK2X-Default Leatherman® Free K2x

LMK4X-Default Leatherman® Free K4x

2 models of pliers,

LMP2-Default Leatherman® Free P2

LMP4-Default Leatherman® Free P4

and 2 models of pocket engraved tools.


LMT2-Default Leatherman® Free T2


LMT4-FannedwithTweezers Leatherman® Free T4



7 Things About Personalized Pocket Knives You May Not Have Known

When you order gift pocket knives that have the recipient’s name or initials on each knife, these are called Personalized Pocket Knives. If all the knives have the same imprint, they would not be called “personalized”.

Here are some facts that you may not have known:

Personalized Pocket Knives
Personalized Pocket Knives
  1. Personalization is not very expensive. It usually costs $5 per knife plus a setup charge of $25 for the whole order.
  2. Instead of engraving the recipient’s first and last name, why not just the first name, and the years of service. “Jasonn–10 Years” instead of “Jasonn Smith”. The cost is the same either way.
  3. The knife will last forever. Who would throw away a knife with their own name on it? So, your logo will also last forever.
  4. Laser engraving is permanent. Electro etching is semi permanent.
  5. You can submit your list of names in different ways: Excel spreadsheet, Word document, or just in an email.
  6. If you misspell a name, it will be misspelled on the knife, and you paid for it.
  7. The minimum order is the same as the minimum order for each particular knife.