If you were to survey your customers and coworkers on what their favorite ice cream flavor is, odds are vanilla and chocolate would be up there at 1st and 2nd place.
What flavor do you think would take 3rd place? Maybe strawberry? Let’s celebrate strawberry ice cream today- after all, today is its national holiday!
I love using this American-Made Cutlery ice cream scoop to serve myself a bowl of homemade strawberry ice cream. It’s even better when there are surprise chunks of juicy berries in it!
It’s no surprise that when I told my kids that this week is National Pizza Week, they jumped up and down with joy! One of my family’s go-to meals is definitely pizza: everyone likes it, it’s easy to customize, and it’s fast to make (or order!).
Many diet and food trends come and go, but it seems like the Keto diet is sticking around for a bit longer. If you haven’t heard of it, here are the basics: your diet roughly consists of 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs. As a result, your body will start burning your fat as energy (instead of the normal carb energy source), resulting in weight loss.
Other benefits:
Reduced inflammation
Increases energy to your brain
To help chop up all of the extra protein you’ll be eating, you’ll need any of these trusty Buck Knives:
If ever there was a year that we were all excited to see come to a close, it would be 2020. With social and political unrest everywhere you go, it’s about time we press the reset button.
Your customers and employees will have a chuckle if you get them all pocket knives engraved with “So Long, 2020.”
In days like these, it’s important to keep our nation unified. What better way than to refresh our minds with a little history lesson about the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance? After all, today is a national holiday celebrating this special oath.
Did you know…
The first American pledge of allegiance (different from the one we recite today) was written by Captain George Thatcher Balch during the Civil War. It goes:
“We give our heads and hearts to God and our country; one country, one language, one flag!”
The pledge we all know today was based on one written by Francis Bellamy in 1892. It goes:
“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”
Congress formally adopted Bellamy’s pledge in 1942, and added the words “Under God” in 1954.
These company logo knives will help you and your customers celebrate this special day:
Boker Magnum Freedom FolderCase Smooth Red Synthetic Trapper 91460 (made in the USA)Leatherman Squirt PS4 (made in the USA)
Overindulgence is usually the path we all take during these holiday months. Today is no exception, as today is Pumpkin Pie Day. Might as well add a dollop of ice cream on top of your slice too, why not? You deserve it.
Well, today is Christmas Eve- I’m sure if you have children in your home they are eagerly awaiting Santa Claus! Lay out some milk and cookies for him (plus snacks for the reindeer!), and then go tuck your babies in and finish wrapping your gifts!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
(And we hope tomorrow you’ll be lucky enough to receive any of these special logo knives!)
Case Smooth Bright Green Bone TrapperRed Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51
When you hear the word “fruit,” usually the typical names pop to mind: apple, banana, pear, orange, peach, etc. But this month you’ll need to think outside the box, as it is Root Vegetable and Exotic Fruits Month. Have you ever heard (or tasted) any of these?
Chom Chom
You can use a fruit knife to taste-test some of these fruits (although some have a hard outer shell, so you might need something a bit stronger!)
I’m sure we’ve all been in the situation where you’ve run out of time to shop for a gift and tonight is the company Christmas gift exchange.. what do you do?!
Quick- find something new and unused in your house to regift! (But I’m sure you won’t grab your engraved Kershaw knives to regift- those are way too valuable and useful!)
There is much debate in the brownie world about what the proper texture should be. Is the best brownie…
Today is National Brownie Day, so you can choose your preferred texture! And if you want, you can add frosting to the top, or any nuts to the batter. Make sure to grab your American-Made CutleryMini Server to cut them up (if you’re willing to share!)