The Best Pocket Knife For June 2017

Maxam Digital Camo Knife
Maxam Digital Camo Knife

Our report for the best pocket knife for June 2017 may surprise you. It is highly popular for its value. The perceived value is $7 to $10, but the sale price is only $1.99 each. Free setup, also! If you have a promotional campaign in mind, and have hundreds or thousands of people on your gift list, this knife is your best choice. The Maxam Digital Camo Knife wins the prize this month over all other knives. It has been hard to keep enough inventory on the shelves for this sought-after economy pocket knife.

Camouflage has remained very popular the last few years. There is a subculture of camo enthusiasts that like to own many different items with the camo look. Camo hats, jackets, pants, cell phone cases, back packs, mugs, beer can insulators, and pencils are super popular.

See The 3 Best Pocket Knives of June 2017

Someone Say Buck?
Someone Say Pocket Knives?

The 3 best pocket knives of June 2017 are the most popular sellers for us.

  1. The openness of the Gerber Mini Paraframe’s handle is the biggest attraction for knife lovers. It not only looks good. It makes the knife lighter, and a better EDC (every day carry) knife.

Gerber Mini Paraframe Knife Gerber Mini Paraframe Knife 8485

2. Camo has been big, and still is this month. Dako knives are made in China, which makes them more affordable. The stainless steel blade is sandblasted for that attractive foggy look.

Dakota special forces pocket knife Dako “Special Forces” Pocket Knife 7144 

3. Kutmaster designs and makes some unique patterns in pocket knives. Rescue knives are popular with police, firemen, and emergency medical personnel. This knife is the answer to their need for a compact version of a rescue knife. The black blade goes with the black handle very well. Nice job, Kutmaster!

95-1832L Kutmaster Compact Rescue Knife 95-1832L

2 Engraved Buck Knives That Will Surprise You


Buck Knives have been around since 1902. The style of knife that you think of when you hear the word Buck is the model 110 Folding Hunter shown here. Or maybe you would think of the non-folding hunting knife like the Buck® Kalinga, also shown here. Either way, you will be surprised at what Buck came up with recently. The tide of popularity in knives has been going toward the tactical-looking knives. So the leaders at Buck didn’t want to miss the boat on this. They came up with some new models recently in the tactical area.

Buck 110 Engraved pocket knives
Buck 110 Engraved pocket knives


Boone & Crockett Kalinga Buck® Kalinga 401

The 2 latest Engraved Buck Knives that will surprise you are the Buck® Black “Bones” and the Buck® Silver “Bones” Pocket Knives. Both are definitely tactical-looking. The handles are a structural framework that reduces weight and provides a good grip. The tanto style blade is real popular with the pocket knife lovers of today.

870-BK Buck® Black “Bones” Pocket Knife 870-BK

870-S Buck® Silver “Bones” Pocket Knife 870-S


The 3 Best USA-Made Barlow Knives

Use Your Barlow Every Day
Use Your Barlow Every Day

When people ask me about the barlow knives, I ask them to let me know which “barlow” they want to know about. The word barlow has 2 meanings. The first meaning is the name of an American company that used to make pocket knives, tape measures, and key chains. They were all high quality, and made in  America. USA-made items were very popular, and still are. The Barlow company was sold to another company in 2007 approximately. Then that company was sold to a third company shortly after.

The second meaning of “barlow” is a style of pocket knife that dates back to the 1600’s in England. This is the knife that George Washington used. It still gets a ton of Google searches today.

It is these barlow knives that I am showing you today. These have 2 stainless steel blades, a slightly teardrop-shaped handle, and a large metal bolster.


Green Barlow custom knives Kutmaster Green Barlow Knife 15-24779gbe

A Barlow knife as a gift to your employees for appreciation of their service Kutmaster Barlow Knife 15-24789WL

BC5281 Bear & Son Barlow Stag Bone BC5281


The Best Pocket Knife Award for March 2017

Be a great CEO and give your clients the best Kershaw Knives
Be a great CEO and give your clients the best Kershaw Knives

The best pocket knife for March 2017 was chosen for its high quality of material and workmanship. It also has these main features:

  • Beautifully designed camo pattern throughout the handle
  • Assisted opening system, called Speedsafe
  • Safety tip lock to guard against accidental opening
  • Perfect size for your pocket
  • 420hc stainless steel blade
  • Made in the USA
  • Full color one piece gift box

Our pick this month is made by Kershaw, an American company.

1620-engraved-camo-scallion-smooth Kershaw “Scallion” Knife, Camo 1620