Yes, we know your mom probably could not pick out an engraved Buck knife from a lineup of pocketknives, let alone does she know any trivia about them. But humor yourself today and have her take this little quiz:
Q: In what year was Buck Knives established?
A: 1902
Q: Is it currently a family-run company?
A: Yes, the family’s 4th generation is now CEO- CJ Buck
A: They have the best steel tempering methods & best edge retention
Q: How long is their product warranty?
A: There is no length- they offer a forever warranty.
How many answers did she get right? Even if she scored 0%, at least now she knows a little more about engraved Buck knives than she did five minutes ago.
Engraved Kershaw Knives that will amaze your grandpa
Kershaw Knives didn’t exist before 1974. That’s when Pete Kershaw left Gerber and started his own way of designing and manufacturing pocket knives. Today some of their knives are made in China, and some are made in the USA. Since the design and workmanship is so well controlled, the average person can’t tell where a particular Kershaw knife is made.
Decorating pocket knives has become so popular, due to the high quality laser engraving machines in use today. Engraved Kershaw Knives are laser engraved with a customer’s company logo, and used for advertising purposes.
The design of this line of knives is much different than your grandpa’s knives. You won’t see wooden handles, and pen blades, and stockman-style designs. Instead you see a curvy tactical form with a modern look. Here are 3 examples of knives that your grandpa never dreamed of:
Have you given any thought to what your New Year’s resolutions will be? On the top of most people’s lists are losing weight, exercising more, eating healthy, volunteering more, and spending more time with family. But perhaps you’re thinking that you want to focus more on creating a positive environment around you, no matter where you are. The best way to do that is by giving without expecting anything back in return. Family, friends, employees, and customers alike will all appreciate personalized engraved pocket knives to ring in the New Year.
It’s Christmas morning: You’re all cozy on the sofa.. in your pj’s with your hot cup of coffee.. watching your family open their gifts.. the smell of a breakfast casserole is wafting in from the kitchen.. What better way to spend a morning? Until, wait.. someone can’t quite open that box that Santa taped shut way too well. Any smart person would go straight for their best pocket knife to help open that stubborn box. To be honest, that pocket knife should always be by your side in times like this, no matter the time of year.
Salespeople have been around for almost as long as humankind has been around. Every product or idea needs an expert in order to help it sell. Today is National Salesperson Day, a day to honor and celebrate salespeople across the nation, just by simply saying “thank you”, or by going an extra step and getting them a thoughtful gift. Does your company have its own team of knowledgeable salespeople who deserve a service award? Or do you have a close relationship with the friendly salespeople who come to your office with their “new and latest” product? Generosity needs no sales pitch, so be generous this week and reward them with a thoughtful Leatherman tool.
When you want to give useful gifts to your employees this Christmas, here are 4 company logo knives to consider.
To be remembered at Christmas dinner, you would want your corporate logo visible at the carving table of all your employees. This carving set would deliver your logo right along with the turkey or ham.
Today is National Color the World Orange Day, which to many people sounds like just a day to celebrate this beautiful color. It is, in fact, a day to bring awareness to CRPS/RSD. What do all these letters stand for? According to https://www.
“Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is a chronic pain condition characterized by continuous, intense, often burning, pain that is out of proportion to the severity of the original injury. Symptoms can include changes in the skin color and temperature of the affected body part, as well as skin sensitivity, sweating and swelling.”
Many of us, yours truly included, have probably not heard of this painful ailment, but hopefully through word of mouth more awareness can be drawn to it in order to help those affected.
How can your company raise awareness for CRPS/RSD?
Wear orange ribbons
Plan a company event where part of the proceeds go to a CRPS/RSD nonprofit
Change your company website color to orange
Post an image to your social media account with the hashtag #CRPSORANGEDAY
Searching For the Perfect Engraved Pocket Knives for Christmas
employees for Christmas, great. Here is a quick list of factors to consider.
Do the knives need to be American-made?
Do they need to be the color of your company logo?
What price do you need to stick with?
How many? Don’t forget to order a few more, for last minute changes in your workforce.
What style of pocket knife would coordinate with your business? Rescue, camouflage, tactical style, traditional style, or ones with multi-tools attached?
What size? Big and bold, or small, gentleman’s pocket size.
When you can answer all these questions, you are ready to focus your shopping on a particular pocket knife. Happy Shopping!
This week is National Forest Products Week, a week where we embrace the beauty and strength of our nation’s forests. According to the U.S. Forest Service there are many ways in which supporting our forests helps the whole nation:
Supporting sustainable forest management helps reduce damage from insects, disease, invasive species & uncharacteristic wildfires
Using leftover wood materials expands the wood products markets, creating an alternative to burning or sending remnants to land fills
Places rural America at the forefront
Creates American jobs at every stage of the supply chain
You can help support our nation’s forests by rewarding your customers with wood handle pocketknives this fall. Whether you prefer Case, Buck, or Kutmaster, there are countless styles of wood handle pocketknives and accessories to choose from.
Here are a few favorites:
Kutmaster 5″ Lockback with Brass Bolsters & Stainless Blade 15-17101LUSA-Made Steak Knife Set 15-BX945SKW4L
Case 99815 Large Wooden Box for 6254 TrapperBuck Squire Lockback Knife 501
It comes as no surprise that the most successful companies are those with the best customer service. How can you improve the efficiency, quality, and reliability of yours this week? After all, it is National Customer Service Week.
First, you need to define how you can transform your customer service from just “meh” to “ah-may-zing!”.
Listen to your employees; happy employees will lead to better service
Always answer the phone
Hire & train employees properly
Take constructive criticism- complaints can become opportunities
The next question, once you’ve attracted your customers, is how can you keep them coming back? What incentives or engraved pocket knives can you give them?
Create a Customer Loyalty Reward Program- give different engraved pocket knives when a customer reaches a new level
This year during National Customer Service Week, give useful, enjoyable, and thoughtful engraved pocket knives to your customers. It will brighten up their day and keep them coming back.