Spring Is The Perfect Season For Personalized Pocket Knives

Personalized Pocket Knives For Spring
Personalized Pocket Knives For Spring

Spring is here! Finally!

What are some of your favorite springtime activities?

  • Taking a stroll at your local park
  • Freshening up your yard
  • Ordering Personalized Pocket Knives for your best customers

    Personalized Pocket Knives
    Gerber Mini Paraframe

Don’t Monkey Around With Personalized Pocket Knives

December 14 is National Monkey Day. It’s the perfect day to reflect on the safety of using a laptop, and the safety of using Personalized Pocket Knives. Mis-using a laptop can’t usually result in personal injury. But, if you mis-handle a pocket knife, you could find yourself in a lot of pain.  Don't Monkey Around With Personalized Pocket Knives

I found this picture of a monkey that seems capable of handling 3 knives at once. I’m a little concerned about his left hand, though. I hope he didn’t squeeze too hard.Don't Monkey With Personalized Pocket Knives

Don’t Forget To Order Personalized Pocket Knives For These Special People!

Personalized Pocket Knives For National Farm Safety and Health Week
Personalized Pocket Knives For National Farm Safety and Health Week

In just a few short weeks, the nation will be celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week and National Farm Animals Awareness Week – two weeks that are important to the agricultural world. What are some ways your business can show its appreciation for this field of work?

  • Send your local farmers a thank-you card signed by all of your employees
  • Reach out to your local news station and suggest a nearby farm be highlighted in the news
  • Order Personalized Pocket Knives for all the farmers in your area

    Personalized Pocket Knives
    Buck Bantam BBW Camo