Can You Use Engraved Leatherman Tools On A Snow Day?

Engraved Leatherman Tools for A Snow Day
Engraved Leatherman Tools for A Snow Day

Of course you can! If you didn’t already know, Engraved Leatherman Tools can do pretty much anything, even in the snow.
Here are just a few of the basic tasks these tools can do, plus a few *bonus ones* if you decide to splurge for the upgraded models – 

  • Screwdriver
  • Bottle opener
  • *Bonus Wire cutter & stripper
  • *Bonus Pliers
Engraved Leatherman Tools
Leatherman Free P4
Engraved Leatherman Tools
Leatherman Free T4

Welcome The New Year With Engraved Tools

Engraved Tools for 2025
Engraved Tools for 2025

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone – we are now in the year 2025! Have you made any resolutions this year? Here are some ideas to get you going – 

  • Spend more time with family
  • Get out of your comfort zone once a month
  • Clean out your closet
  • Order Engraved Tools for your customers

    Engraved Tools
    Leatherman Free K2x

Use Your Engraved Leatherman Tools on National Pumpkin Day

October 26 is National Pumpkin Day in America. You may know that carving a pumpkin with a dull knife is a real pain. If you want a super sharp knife blade, just use Engraved Leatherman Tools. They have an extremely sharp knife.

Leatherman Wingman Engraved Leatherman Tools
LM37 Leatherman Wingman

Some of the other functional parts may give you ideas on being more creative.

For example:

  1. Use the Blister Package Opener on the Wingman to make a series of surface scrapings.
  2. Use the saw blade on the Supertool for making a rough-cut area.
  3. Try a screwdriver on any of the multitools to make a waffle design area.


Engraved Leatherman Tools
Leatherman LM300 Supertool


Have fun with your project, and remember it is better to do this outside, instead of in the living room. It will keep everyone happier.

Say HBD To the USAF With Engraved Tools

Engraved Tools for the USAF
Engraved Tools for the USAF

On this day 77 years ago, the United States added one more branch to our military: the Air Force. Today is a special day to celebrate this important group who protects our country. How will you honor the USAF today?

  • Hang an American flag in your front yard
  • Have students make thank-you cards
  • Order Engraved Tools with the words “HBD USAF!”
Engraved Tools
Leatherman Wingman LM37

Engraved Leatherman Tools Are The Secret To Climbing Life’s Mountains

Engraved Leatherman Tools for National Climb A Mountain Day
Engraved Leatherman Tools for National Climb A Mountain Day

Today is National Climb A Mountain Day, which can have many meanings. It can, quite literally, mean pack up your bag with climbing gear, and go climb a mountain. Or rather, it can also be more figurative and encourage us to jump over any of life’s obstacles that we currently face. 
If we’re thinking of the former meaning, then Engraved Leatherman Tools are one extra item that you must pack in your bag. These trusty little tools can help you in any situation you find yourself in on your adventure. 

Engraved Leatherman Tools
Leatherman Free P4

Engraved Tools and Knives for Flag Day June 14

Flag Day is June 14. If you would like to give a memento to a serviceman or veteran, here are the best picks, according to

Flag Knife

This heavy duty, assisted open pocket knife is the epitome of patriotism. Its 3 dimensional handle is covered with a waving US flag on both sides, even though it has a pocket clip. The clip is placed, so that the knife sits low in your pocket, with just the end of the black part of the handle showing. Of course, it is made in the USA.

US Flag Ball Bearing Assisted Opening Engraved Tools
US Flag Ball Bearing Assisted Opening





Engraved Tools

Engraved Tools and Knives for Flag Day June 14
Leatherman Free K4 Engraved Tools

Leatherman, a USA company, makes the best engraved tools in the world. This new model, the “Free K4”, is made to be operated with just one hand. You can open and close any component with one hand tied behind your back. That feature can be very useful, or imperative, in certain cases.

Have An Epic Christmas With These Engraved Leatherman Tools

Engraved Leatherman Tools for Christmas
Engraved Leatherman Tools for Christmas

On Christmas morning, when everyone else is opening toys, clothes, shoes, and gift cards, you’ll consider yourself the luckiest person alive when you open your Engraved Leatherman Tools. Not only can they do just about anything you can imagine (including opening your son’s toy’s blister pack), but they will last for essentially an eternity, which is more than we can say for most things these days!

Leatherman Free P4
Leatherman Free P4

Engraved Tools Are What I Am Thankful For This Year

Be Thankful for Engraved Tools
Be Thankful for Engraved Tools

Your turkey is thawing out in the fridge, your bakery order is in, and your potato masher is ready for Thursday’s festivities. Have you given any thought to what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving?  I’m sure the most common things come to mind: family, friends, health, etc. but do not forget to add Engraved Tools to your list as well.  They have so many unique features to be thankful for, including pliers, wire cutters, bottle opener, and pocketknives, to say the least. Go ahead and add them to your gift list for all of your best customers too!

Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51

Do Not – I Repeat, Do Not – End Your September Without These Engraved Leatherman Tools

Engraved Leatherman Tools for September
Engraved Leatherman Tools for September

We are quickly approaching that time of year that seems to rush by at the speed of light. Soon it will be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and then we say goodbye to 2023! Let’s try to slow time down a bit and enjoy what we have around us. Let’s give thanks to our customers and employees as well – you can do this so easily by adding Engraved Leatherman Tools to your shopping list as you order your thank-you gifts for September. 
These could be a “thank-you” for common rewards such as Employee of the Month or Most Appreciated Customer. You can even get creative and make up your own quirky rewards such as Best Decorated Desk!

Leatherman Free K4X
Leatherman Free K4X
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51

Engraved Tools: The September Edit

Engraved Tools for September
Engraved Tools for September

I don’t know about you, but I can feel the season changing already. The breeze is just a few degrees cooler and the leaves are beginning to turn color. Fall is in the air! This also means you need to start thinking about what thank-you gifts you should buy your customers this month. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with these super great Engraved Tools for September: 

Leatherman Free T4 engraved tools (Small in size, but with 12 tools!)
Leatherman Free T4
Leatherman Wingman LM37
Leatherman Wingman LM37
Leatherman LM31
Leatherman LM31