How To Buy Engraved Leatherman Tools For Your Corporation

Do you need engraved Leatherman tools for a promotion for your company? Here are a few guidelines to make your promotion a success.

  • Get an eps file for your logo. The engraver will need this, for a neat imprint.
  • Get an accurate count of how many tools you will need, then add a few, in case more recipients pop up later.
  • Don’t wait till the last minute. Production time can be 7-10 business days after you approve a proof. Rush production is sometimes available.
  • Find the best Leatherman engraver online. Get one that responds quickly to your emails or phone calls. Also, find a website that is neat and easy to navigate and order from.
  • Place your order, and pay by credit card. Most people do it this way because of the convenience, safety, and protection from a bad merchant.
  • Make plans on how you will distribute the Leatherman tools. Possibly design a flyer or email to announce your promotion.
  • When they arrive, pass out your engraved Leatherman tools in person or at a meeting or party designed around your promotion.
  • Your workforce will be so happy that you came up with this wonderful idea.

    Happy Employees
    Happy Employees

My 2 Favorite Engraved Leatherman Tools

A big one, and a little one (for every day carry) are my favorite engraved Leatherman tools.

  • The big one is the Wingman(TM) for these reasons. It is a full 4″ when closed, which makes it a tough multi-tool. It’s USA-made from stainless steel. The most Leatherman Wingmanused elements on it are the knife, spring-loaded pliers, wire cutter, screw drivers, spring loaded scissors, and the amazing blister pack opener. Several other features make this device a convenient toolbox in your pocket. It has everything that I need in a multi-tool. That’s why I keep one in every vehicle, my boat, workshop, and office.
  • The little one is the Squirt PS4 Leatherman® multi-tool. Scissors,
    PS4 Leatherman Squirt
    PS4 Leatherman Squirt

    nailfile, and the extremely sharp knife are the features I appreciate most. Of course, it has 2 screw drivers and a wire cutter. The small 2 1/4″ length make this gem easy to carry in your pocket. There is even a ring so you can put it on your keychain.



2 Engraved Leatherman Tools I Can’t Live Without

These 2 Engraved Leatherman Tools are either in my pocket, clipped to my pocket, or nearby.

Leatherman Wingman LM37. This all-purpose tool appeals to me mainly because it

lm37.jpg Leatherman® Wingman LM37

has spring-action scissors and a safe blister package opener. Not only that, it has all these other tools built into one compact package:

Spring-action Needle nose Pliers
Spring-action Regular Pliers
Spring-action Wire Cutters
420HC Combo Knife
Wood/Metal File
Small Screwdriver
Medium Screwdriver
Phillips Screwdriver
Ruler (1.5 in / 3.8 cm)
Bottle Opener
Can Opener
Wire Stripper

I do keep a Wingman on each of my vehicles, plus one in the office, one in my boat, and one in my shed. I don’t usually work on my vehicles, but I do spend a lot of time fixing and enjoying my motor boat. This tool saves me from loading 10 pounds of extra repair tools onto my floating oasis.

Leatherman Style CS LM36. When traveling light, and when I’m all dressed up, I usually keep this smaller tool in my pocket. The useful features are a spring-loaded scissors, super

lm36.jpg Leatherman Style CS LM36

sharp knife, nail file with a screw driver end (for small flathead screws and phillips screws), tweezers (for removing splinters), a bottle opener, and a carabiner clip. That’s a lot of capability for a tool that weighs only 1.4 ounces.

5 Reasons to Give Engraved Leatherman Tools for Christmas

  1. Engraved Leatherman Tools
    Engraved Leatherman Tools

    A long-lasting tool will show off your company logo for a long time.

  2. Engraved Leatherman tools are made in the USA
  3. They are useful, and are the best all-around tool for emergencies.
  4. Everyone appreciates receiving a genuine Leatherman® tool.
  5. You will be the hero of your company, the Santa Claus of your workforce.

The 3 Most Popular Engraved Leatherman Tools

These 3 Engraved Leatherman Tools are ordered repeatedly. Once you try one, you’ll love it. You will want to share it with all your employees and customers. Why are they so popular? Because they are:

  1. Made in the USA.
  2. Expertly laser engraved with your corporate logo in the USA.
  3. So strong that they can last forever.
  4. Warranted for 25 years.
  5. A household name around the world.
  6. Appreciated by everyone who is lucky enough to receive one.
  7. Useful as an emergency “toolbox” for many jobs.

lm37.jpg Leatherman® Wingman LM37


lm-clm6.jpg Leatherman Micra Pocket Tool In Colors CLM6

lm17.jpg Leatherman Wave LM17

How To Turn Frowns Into Smiles Using Engraved Leatherman Tools

  • Are you a plant manager, or owner?
  • Do you have a long list of unhappy employees?
  • Would you like to turn those frowns into smiles?

Here is a plan of action:

Sad Employee
Sad Employee
  1. Find your company logo. Vector art is the best art (.ai or .eps)
  2. Contact an online knife engraving company that can laser engrave your logo.
  3. Order Engraved Leatherman Tools, enough for every employee.
  4. Schedule a picnic or banquet, or awards program.
  5. Give a Leatherman with your logo to each employee.
  6. Watch those frowns turn into smiles!
Happy Employee
Happy Employee




TSA Legal Engraved Leatherman Tools


Most Engraved Leatherman Tools are not permitted past the TSA people at an airport. But, here are a few that ARE allowed.


Leatherman Tread Packaging Leatherman Tread, Silver

Leatherman Tread Packaging Leatherman Tread, Black

Also permitted, are these:

  1. Tread(TM) LT
  2. Piranha 2
  3. Jam
  4. Brewzer
  5. Style® PS
  6. Cam
  7. Rail
  8. Hail + Style® PS
  9. Juice® CS3
  10. Pump
  11. Shooter
  12. Thruster

You can view all these at the Leatherman website. TSA allows them because they either have no blades, or very small knife blades.


An Engraved Leatherman Tool You Can’t Live Without

This Engraved Leatherman Tool is so useful, that I personally can’t live without.

The Wingman (LM37) is a great set of pliers. It has wire cutter, bottle

Clamshell Packages
Opening Clamshell Packages The Hard Way

opener, can opener, and many other function. The one tool that is a personal necessity for me is the Package Opener. It easily opens those “plastic clamshell” packages that are a problem to open. These are the clear packages that show the product, but don’t let you get to it without a fight. The Package Opener safely and quickly opens those things. It’s safe, because it is designed like a little hook. You don’t push it, you pull it along the edge of the “bubble” area of the packaging.

lm37.jpg Leatherman® Wingman LM37