Beer Me! These Engraved Leatherman Tools Help You Take A Break From Work

Engraved Leatherman Tools for #AmericanBeerDay
Engraved Leatherman Tools for #AmericanBeerDay

Sure, there is always work that needs to be done around the house, but sometimes you just need a break.

Engraved Leatherman tools are the best handyman- they can help you with a broad variety of tasks in the garage, but when you’re finally ready for a break they also can crack open a beer!

Today is American Beer Day, the perfect day to use the bottle opener on your engraved Leatherman tools:

PS4 Leatherman Squirt
PS4 Leatherman Squirt
Leatherman Free T4
Leatherman Free T4
Leatherman LM50
Leatherman LM50

A Must-Have List Of Engraved Leatherman Tools For America’s Farmers

Engraved Leatherman Tools for #FarmSafetyandHealthWeek
Engraved Leatherman Tools for #FarmSafetyandHealthWeek

The week is well underway, you’re probably knee-deep in your to-do lists and anticipating the weekend.

But have you given any thought to all of the hard-working farmers and ranchers throughout our country? This week is Farm Safety & Health Week, and those essential workers definitely deserve some recognition and thanks for working in such a dangerous field.

Did you know…

  • It’s the most dangerous work sector in America (23.4 deaths per 100,000)
  • Our farmers and ranchers truly are essential workers
  • 2017 Census of Agriculture says there are 3.4 million agricultural producers in America
  • Let’s show our support and thanks by giving them engraved Leatherman tools
Leatherman Free K4X
Leatherman Free K4X
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51
Leatherman Wingman LM37
Leatherman Wingman LM37

The Best Engraved Tools for 2020 Safety Awards

The Best Engraved Tools for 2020 Safety Awards
The Best Engraved Tools for 2020 Safety Awards

Leatherman wins hands down, for introducing the “FREE” line of engraved tools. The coolest feature of these tools is the way you open and close each element. You don’t have to use your finger nails! You just use your finger pads. The secret is subtle. It involves magnets strategically placed in the tool to keep the elements closed. There are 2 models of knives (available in silver or black),

LMK2X-Default Leatherman® Free K2x

LMK4X-Default Leatherman® Free K4x

2 models of pliers,

LMP2-Default Leatherman® Free P2

LMP4-Default Leatherman® Free P4

and 2 models of pocket engraved tools.


LMT2-Default Leatherman® Free T2


LMT4-FannedwithTweezers Leatherman® Free T4