TSA Legal Engraved Leatherman Tools


Most Engraved Leatherman Tools are not permitted past the TSA people at an airport. But, here are a few that ARE allowed.


Leatherman Tread Packaging Leatherman Tread, Silver

Leatherman Tread Packaging Leatherman Tread, Black

Also permitted, are these:

  1. Tread(TM) LT
  2. Piranha 2
  3. Jam
  4. Brewzer
  5. Style® PS
  6. Cam
  7. Rail
  8. Hail + Style® PS
  9. Juice® CS3
  10. Pump
  11. Shooter
  12. Thruster

You can view all these at the Leatherman website. TSA allows them because they either have no blades, or very small knife blades.


An Engraved Leatherman Tool You Can’t Live Without

This Engraved Leatherman Tool is so useful, that I personally can’t live without.

The Wingman (LM37) is a great set of pliers. It has wire cutter, bottle

Clamshell Packages
Opening Clamshell Packages The Hard Way

opener, can opener, and many other function. The one tool that is a personal necessity for me is the Package Opener. It easily opens those “plastic clamshell” packages that are a problem to open. These are the clear packages that show the product, but don’t let you get to it without a fight. The Package Opener safely and quickly opens those things. It’s safe, because it is designed like a little hook. You don’t push it, you pull it along the edge of the “bubble” area of the packaging.

lm37.jpg Leatherman® Wingman LM37