The Best Fruit Knife For Today’s Fruit of Honor

Fruit Knives for National Apricot Day
Fruit Knives for National Apricot Day

It’s fruit trivia time! Which fruit originated in China 4,000 years ago and is a relative of the peach? Your first guess might be the nectarine, right? It is, in fact, the petite and beloved apricot- a fruit rich in vitamins A & C. It made its way slowly westward from China, through the Mediterranean, and finally over to North America, where it mainly settled in California. California produces 95% of our country’s apricots. Yum!

How do you want to enjoy an apricot today?

  • Grab your fruit knife and cut yourself a fresh slice
  • Make a yummy tart or homemade preserves
  • Have an afternoon snack of dried apricots
  • Use your fruit knife to chop some into your morning granola
  • Plant a tree
Stainless Fruit Knife
Stainless Fruit Knife

The Fruit Knife Has a Surprise Dual Purpose This Month

Fruit Knife Art
Fruit Knife Art

The first week of January is New Year’s Resolutions Week.

The second week of this January is National Pizza Week.

This seems to be an ambiguous combination for the month of January.

National Pizza Week
National Pizza Week

Usually a list of resolutions include eating “less” of something. Can you imagine a list of resolutions including “eating more pizza”? Now that’s my kind of new year’s resolution. If I adopted that as a resolution, I’d have to also add these:

  1. Walk or run 10 miles a day
  2. Swim 50 laps a day
  3. Bike 20 miles a day
  4. Cut out all sweets for the month

Whew! And now I’m too tired to eat anything. Once I get my composure back, I

Fruit Knife for 2 Purposes
Fruit Knife for 2 Purposes

can use my fruit knife for 2 purposes.

  • to cut up some juicy healthful Fruit,
  • and of course, cut up the delicious Pizza.




Overindulge Yourself With These American-Made Cutlery Tools

American-Made Cutlery for #PumpkinPieDay
American-Made Cutlery for #PumpkinPieDay

Overindulgence is usually the path we all take during these holiday months. Today is no exception, as today is Pumpkin Pie Day. Might as well add a dollop of ice cream on top of your slice too, why not? You deserve it.

Diet starts in January, right?

(P.S. These American-Made Cutlery tools will help you out!)

American-made Cutlery Ice Cream Scoop
American-made Cutlery Ice Cream Scoop
American-made Cutlery Pie Server
American-made Cutlery Pie Server


Exotic Fruits That You May (Or May Not) Need a Fruit Knife For

Fruit Knife for #RootVegetableExoticFruitMonth
Fruit Knife for #RootVegetableExoticFruitMonth

When you hear the word “fruit,” usually the typical names pop to mind: apple, banana, pear, orange, peach, etc. But this month you’ll need to think outside the box, as it is Root Vegetable and Exotic Fruits Month. Have you ever heard (or tasted) any of these?

  • Kumquat
  • Durian
  • Pomelo
  • Mangosteen
  • Chom Chom

You can use a fruit knife to taste-test some of these fruits (although some have a hard outer shell, so you might need something a bit stronger!)

5-3/4" ivory plastic handle fruit/vegetable knife 95-112whs
5-3/4″ ivory plastic handle fruit/vegetable knife 95-112whs
4 3/4" Stainless Fruit/ Vegetable Knife 95-1712ss
4 3/4″ Stainless Fruit/ Vegetable Knife 95-1712ss

An American-Made Cutlery Fillet Knife Fit for a French Fisherman

American-Made Cutlery for #BouillabaisseDay
American-Made Cutlery for #BouillabaisseDay

Did you do your meal planning for the week yet? Maybe a Pasta Monday, Taco Tuesday, Pizza Wednesday, Quiche Thursday, and a Bouillabaisse Friday. Wait, Bouill-a-what? Even the most seasoned home chef might not know exactly what a bouillabaisse is, so here you go: it is a fish stew that French fishermen created in the port city of Marseille. The name of the stew comes from “to boil” and “to simmer.”

You can really use any variety of fresh fish and shellfish in the stew, and simmer them with tomatoes, potatoes, celery, and onions. Don’t forget to serve a warm grilled baguette on the side with a traditional French spicy mayonnaise called rouille.

And since the most important ingredient in this fish stew is fish, don’t forget to sharpen your American-Made Cutlery fillet knife before you chop up your ingredients.

Happy cooking and eating!

Fillet Knife
Fillet Knife