Would You Put Personalized Pocket Knives In Your Halloween Goodie Bags?

Personalized Pocket Knives for Halloween
Personalized Pocket Knives for Halloween

👻 Happy Halloween! 👻

Are you ready for tricks and treats and perhaps a costume party tonight? If you’re lucky, maybe you will also get a fun goodie bag at the end of the night. What do you think are the most popular items to add to an adult Halloween treat bag?
🦇 Candy (duh!)
🦇 Mini bar liquor bottles
🦇 Gift cards
🦇 Personalized Pocket Knives

Small Rosewood Pocketknife
Small Rosewood Pocketknife

Can You Carve A Pumpkin With Engraved Gerber Knives?

Engraved Gerber Knives for Pumpkin Carving
Engraved Gerber Knives for Pumpkin Carving

Have you carved your Halloween pumpkins yet? There are so many unique ideas out there that it’s hard to choose just one design. But once you have finally narrowed it down, the next thing you need to do is go grab your carving knife. How many people out there would use their Engraved Gerber Knives to carve a pumpkin? These collectible legends could definitely get the job done – and I bet all those trick-or-treaters will be in awe of your skills!

Gerber Mini Paraframe
Gerber Mini Paraframe
Gerber Ultralight Lockback 6050
Gerber Ultralight Lockback 6050

Engraved Buck Knives Will Help You Get Through The Rest Of The Week

Engraved Buck Knives To Get You Through The Week
Engraved Buck Knives To Get You Through The Week

Are you a glass half-full or half-empty type of person? Today, are you thinking, “Ugh, we are only halfway through the week” or “Yay, we’re halfway through the week!” ?
Don’t worry, even if you’re more of a pessimist, Engraved Buck Knives will perk up your mood! Here are 3 picks to get you through the rest of the week: 

Buck Lockback Knife 055
Buck Lockback Knife 055
Buck Knives Are Never Re-Gifted
Buck Bantam BBW Camo
Buck Spitfire
Buck Spitfire

The Nicest Gift Out There: Engraved Kershaw Knives

Engraved Kershaw Knives for National Do Something Nice Day
Engraved Kershaw Knives for National Do Something Nice Day

Hey! You! Yeah, I’m talking to you! Forget about all of the petty things today, forget about all the political unrest, forget about all the narratives you don’t agree with — and BE NICE! Today is National Do Something Nice Day, so you don’t have a choice but to be kind today. 
And you know what the nicest thing I think you could do? Order Engraved Kershaw Knives for the first person you can think of. Many styles are made in the USA, and all Engraved Kershaw Knives come with a lifetime no-hassle guarantee. How nice!

Kershaw Scallion Knife
Kershaw Scallion Knife

Do Not – I Repeat, Do Not – End Your September Without These Engraved Leatherman Tools

Engraved Leatherman Tools for September
Engraved Leatherman Tools for September

We are quickly approaching that time of year that seems to rush by at the speed of light. Soon it will be Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and then we say goodbye to 2023! Let’s try to slow time down a bit and enjoy what we have around us. Let’s give thanks to our customers and employees as well – you can do this so easily by adding Engraved Leatherman Tools to your shopping list as you order your thank-you gifts for September. 
These could be a “thank-you” for common rewards such as Employee of the Month or Most Appreciated Customer. You can even get creative and make up your own quirky rewards such as Best Decorated Desk!

Leatherman Free K4X
Leatherman Free K4X
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51
Red Leatherman Skeletool RX LM51

Engraved Tools: The September Edit

Engraved Tools for September
Engraved Tools for September

I don’t know about you, but I can feel the season changing already. The breeze is just a few degrees cooler and the leaves are beginning to turn color. Fall is in the air! This also means you need to start thinking about what thank-you gifts you should buy your customers this month. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with these super great Engraved Tools for September: 

Leatherman Free T4 engraved tools (Small in size, but with 12 tools!)
Leatherman Free T4
Leatherman Wingman LM37
Leatherman Wingman LM37
Leatherman LM31
Leatherman LM31