While some people believe in pure luck, others believe that good things only come to those who put in true effort. Whichever side you are on, the month of March has many beautiful things in store: the first day of Spring, St. Patrick’s Day, and Spring Break (for some of us) !
Add some of these Pocket Knives Engraved to your gift list, and your customers will definitely believe that they are the lucky ones!
Boker Magnum Cobalt 01RY288Traditional Series 2.0 Trapper Green Bone 110829
In days like these, it’s important to keep our nation unified. What better way than to refresh our minds with a little history lesson about the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance? After all, today is a national holiday celebrating this special oath.
Did you know…
The first American pledge of allegiance (different from the one we recite today) was written by Captain George Thatcher Balch during the Civil War. It goes:
“We give our heads and hearts to God and our country; one country, one language, one flag!”
The pledge we all know today was based on one written by Francis Bellamy in 1892. It goes:
“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”
Congress formally adopted Bellamy’s pledge in 1942, and added the words “Under God” in 1954.
These company logo knives will help you and your customers celebrate this special day:
Boker Magnum Freedom Folder
Case Smooth Red Synthetic Trapper 91460 (made in the USA)