The first Friday in March is National Employee Appreciation Day.
How do bosses show their appreciation?
- Give a cash bonus.
- Give the employees a ham or turkey.
- Give them a party at the shop.
Gerber Paraframe I-8444 - Give them a long-lasting tool, like engraved Gerber knives with the company logo.
- Give them a Thank You note.
- Being kind to them on a daily basis and praise them for jobs well done.
- Hold a “Dress Down Friday”.
- Display an “Employee of the Month” poster.
How do you find out what kind of appreciation your employees prefer? Ask them. Amazingly, I have found out that a $10 ham is cherished more than a $20 bonus check. This survey was done at a local shop a couple years ago. I was shocked at the response.
In any case, it pays to show your appreciation to your employees on a regular basis. It pays in productivity and longevity.