Of course you can! If you didn’t already know, Engraved Leatherman Tools can do pretty much anything, even in the snow. Here are just a few of the basic tasks these tools can do, plus a few *bonus ones* if you decide to splurge for the upgraded models –
It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone – we are now in the year 2025! Have you made any resolutions this year? Here are some ideas to get you going –
On this day 77 years ago, the United States added one more branch to our military: the Air Force. Today is a special day to celebrate this important group who protects our country. How will you honor the USAF today?
Your turkey is thawing out in the fridge, your bakery order is in, and your potato masher is ready for Thursday’s festivities. Have you given any thought to what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving? I’m sure the most common things come to mind: family, friends, health, etc. but do not forget to add Engraved Tools to your list as well. They have so many unique features to be thankful for, including pliers, wire cutters, bottle opener, and pocketknives, to say the least. Go ahead and add them to your gift list for all of your best customers too!
I know that we all have a mile-long list of things we need to do . . . – The week’s grocery shopping – Send a birthday present to your sibling – Cut the grass – Schedule annual physical – Breathe
One thing that you should have definitely checked off your list by now is trying out these amazing Engraved Tools. So many options, so little time . . . Which one is your favorite?
It’s finally Friday! Do you have happy hour plans with friends, or maybe you’re hosting a dinner party at your house? Today is National Cocktail Day, so instead of sticking to beer and wine, today calls for a little more creativity. When you think of all the supplies you need to make a good cocktail you usually think of a cocktail shaker, ice, liquor, mixers, garnishes, etc. But did you ever think that you might also need engraved tools to help you mix that G&T? If your bottle of seltzer or tonic is not a twist-off cap, then you will definitely be happy to have your engraved tools nearby since they have a bottle opener!
Well it’s finally here- today is Valentine’s Day. Whether or not you have a Valentine to share the day with doesn’t really matter. You can spend the day with friends and family and it has just as much meaning. What will you surprise them with today? – Lunch or dinner at your favorite spot – Flowers, card, & candy – Engraved tools (yes, this gift is a little less ordinary, but just as thoughtful!)
The big one is the Wingman(TM) for these reasons. It is a full 4″ when closed, which makes it a tough multi-tool. It’s USA-made from stainless steel. The most used elements on it are the knife, spring-loaded pliers, wire cutter, screw drivers, spring loaded scissors, and the amazing blister pack opener. Several other features make this device a convenient toolbox in your pocket. It has everything that I need in a multi-tool. That’s why I keep one in every vehicle, my boat, workshop, and office.
The little one is the Squirt PS4 Leatherman® multi-tool. Scissors,
PS4 Leatherman Squirt
nailfile, and the extremely sharp knife are the features I appreciate most. Of course, it has 2 screw drivers and a wire cutter. The small 2 1/4″ length make this gem easy to carry in your pocket. There is even a ring so you can put it on your keychain.
When you give engraved Gerber knives with your company logo to clients, you have made friends for life. Here’s why.
The Gerber Titanium Nitride Paraframe offers 2 outstanding features. It is all beautifully black, including the blade. The “air-cooled” handle is interesting to look at, and makes the weight of the knife very minimal.
The Gerber Suspension Multi-Tool 1471 will make your logo last forever. It will be kept in a toolbox or drawer for any emergency that arises.
The Shard Key Chain Tool 1769 is small enough to keep on a keychain, and tough enough to open bottles, strip wires, tighten screws, and pry things apart.
The Gerber Airfoil 3048 commands attention with its bright orange color and firm, smooth design lines.
Give any of these Gerber knives and you will make a friend for life. And your logo will be associated with quality and dependability.
Leatherman tools have been around since 1983. This isn’t a very long time, compared to barlow knives, which started in the 1600’s. 34 years is a relatively short history, but it seems that Leatherman tools have been around forever. Companies have advertised their logo on Engraved Leatherman Tools because they last forever. What other type of advertising lasts forever?
These tools have been designed around a pair of pliers, with some other handy tools attached. But in the last couple of years, 2 new designs have emerged.
The Leatherman Raptor was introduced in 2014. It is basically a rugged pair of folding scissors with many other emergency medical tools. It is considered an absolute necessity for today’s EMT’s and safety force personnel.
Tim Leatherman came up with another innovative product in 2015. The Tread. It is a multi-tool that can be worn as a bracelet. Now screwdrivers and nut drivers, and a box cutter can always be in easy reach.