Pocket Knives Engraved To Show Your Thankfulness

Pocket Knives Engraved To Be Thankful For
Pocket Knives Engraved To Be Thankful For

Everyone knows that next Thursday is Thanksgiving – but did you know that November is also National Gratitude Month? Let’s make it a daily habit to reflect on the things in our lives for which we are grateful. Here are some ideas to get you going – 

  • Your health
  • Your friends & family
  • Your freedoms

    And one more, just to be silly – Pocket Knives Engraved

    Pocket Knives Engraved
    Autumn Hunt Knife MK106

Don’t Forget To Order Personalized Pocket Knives For These Special People!

Personalized Pocket Knives For National Farm Safety and Health Week
Personalized Pocket Knives For National Farm Safety and Health Week

In just a few short weeks, the nation will be celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week and National Farm Animals Awareness Week – two weeks that are important to the agricultural world. What are some ways your business can show its appreciation for this field of work?

  • Send your local farmers a thank-you card signed by all of your employees
  • Reach out to your local news station and suggest a nearby farm be highlighted in the news
  • Order Personalized Pocket Knives for all the farmers in your area

    Personalized Pocket Knives
    Buck Bantam BBW Camo

Choose Your Treasure At The End Of The Rainbow: Personalized Pocket Knives vs. Gold

Personalized Pocket Knives for St. Patrick's Day
Personalized Pocket Knives for St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday with 2 different fan clubs: children who love the magic involved in trapping a leprechaun, and adults who try to visit all the Irish pubs they can. 
Have you given any thought to the lore of there being a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Which would you rather find: a pot of gold or Personalized Pocket Knives?

Cascade Pocket Knife 3710
Cascade Pocket Knife 3710
Barlow Rosewood Pocket Knife- Gold
Barlow Rosewood Pocket Knife- Gold

9 Barlow Knives That You Didn’t Know Existed

When you hear the words “barlow knives”, most people think about the old fashioned knives that were invented in England in 1670. More of their background is shown here on “History of Barlow Knives“. These knives were built rugged, with an over-sized brass bolster, so the blade was firmly secured in its cradle. They were, and still are, 3 3/8” long closed. Their familiar slight tear-drop shaped makes it comfortable in the palm of your hand when using it. They come in all prices, and are made by many knife manufacturers around the world.

But here are 9 Barlow knives that you may not have heard of. They aren’t fashioned after the famous barlows. They used to be made by the Barlow company in Los Angeles, California until the turn of this century. Barlow was bought out by another company, which kept the trade name. This company, Norwood, was bought out by Bic Graphic about 10 years ago. These Barlow knives, some of them renamed, are sought after by people who remember the original LA company, and like their quality and economy. So here are the 9 popular Barlow knives that you may not have known existed until today…..

20207_Z.jpg Consort Knife


20256_Z.jpg Adventure Knife

65080_Z.jpg Small Rosewood Pocket Knife-Silver

65010_Z.jpg Small Rosewood Pocketknife-Gold

65028_Z.jpg 6-Function Pocket Knife

21044_Z.jpg Lynx Pocket Knife 21044


21086_Z Cushion Grip Knife 21086

21174_Z Framelock Folding Knife 21174

21050_Z Pocket Knife/Carabiner 21050