A dinner party wouldn’t be complete without a few appetizers laying around for your guests to nibble on. Your easiest bet is to put together a diverse, yummy cheese board that will not only satisfy everyone’s taste buds, but will also give you more time to socialize with your friends, instead of keeping you in the kitchen.
Stumped about what to include on your cheese board? Here are some quick tips:
- Have a variety of soft & hard cheeses
- Include goat’s, sheep’s, and cow’s milk cheeses
- Lay out a few American-made Cutlery cheese knives that you can use with any variety of cheese. No one will wonder “which cheese knife do I use for which cheese?”
- Arrange slices of a yummy baguette on the side
- Add a few more accoutrements such as fresh or dried fruits, quince paste, nuts, cured meats, olives, etc.